Welcome to the Muses of Cosplay. We believe that cosplay (shortened from costume play) is for everyone and it is supposed to be fun. There are many styles of cosplay and we believe all cosplayers have the right to build the cosplay they dream. We believe there is no wrong way to cosplay, it is for fun after all. Cosplay bullying is never okay. We promote and are a firm believer in cospositvity.
What are we going to be doing in this corner of the Internet? For starters, you will be linked to our Instagram page, @musesofcosplay (and we do have Facebook, Muses of Cosplay). We will have interviews with cosplayers, cosplay photographers and prop builders. We will feature photos from conventions that Zeus (founder), the co-admins, and our Cosplay Muses (page models) attend. There will be a photoshoot opportunity with Zeus and a world premier publication of that shoot (our little venture to the publishing side of things) on the site. We will also give you an opportunity to share your world premiere photos on our section. We are going to have how-to cosplay videos and articles. Maybe we’ll follow in the footsteps of multiPOPtural and have a cosplay Podcast. As we build a presence on the web, we also welcome any ideas you may have.
Always be inspired,