This one is for everyone in the service industry! We talk about famous movie and tv bars, our ideal pop culture bar staff, bartender gripes, and shoutout some of our favorite local bars and bartenders. This one goes out to everyone that supports the Tip Your Bartender or Die! Facebook Page and our infamous podcast, Zero Dark Nerdy.
#bartenders #barlife #bars #restaurants #serviceindustry #barmovies #barshows #slamminsalmon #jackrabbitslims #tittytwister #overlookhotel #shenanigans #officespace #thewire #sopranos #badabing #therock #negan #terrycrews #debo #shoutouts #greensboro #greensborobars #greensborobartenders #popculture #popculturepodcast #zerodarknerdy #tybod #tipyourbartenderordie