Zero Dark Nerdy: Multicultural Pop Culture Fanatics Just Trying To Provide Some Laughs In This Crazy World Of Ours

Johnson City, NY
Nationality: 100% Puerto Rican. Wepa!!!!!!!!!
Superpowers: Uncanny Ability to Black Out on Uber Rides Home and a Incredible Amount of Useless Knowledge
Superpowers I Wish I Had: Time Travel and the Ability to Cook Something Besides Pasta
Superhero Wives: Storm & Scarlet Witch
Favorite Movies: Big, Snatch & Natural Born Killers
Favorite Cartoons: Thundercats, He-Man, Transformers, Duck Tales
Favorite Comic/GN/Book: The Walking Dead
Favorite Shows: Parks & Rec, New Girl, Happy Endings, Breaking Bad, The Office, Entourage, Sopranos, Golden Girls
Specialties: Cinematic Adventures, Old School Hip Hop Lover, Vinyl/CD/DVD Collector, Funko Pops, Arcade Games, ComicCon’s, Concerts, and Livin the Dream

Cleveland, OH
Nationality: I’m half whatever your mom likes (just the good half)
Superpower: Sarcasm, Ambition, and Charisma
Superpower I Wish I Had: Patience and Tact
Superhero Wife: Black Widow or Rogue
Favorite Movie: The Godfather
Favorite Cartoon: Thundercats & DBZ
Favorite Comic/GN/Book: Anything with Wolverine
Favorite Show: The Wire
Specialties: Product of Hip Hop Culture, Sneaker Head, Movie Critic, Binge Watching Expert, Sports Aficionado, Video Game Enthusiast and Dog Lover.

Brooklyn, NY
Nationality: Nuyorican
Superpower: I tend to speak in relevant rap lyric or movie quote. I Transform transformers out of the box without instructions. I spit Wit Darts with Hawkeye precision. I have many leather bound books. Oh, and apparently I’m indestructible (#axeaboutme)
Superpower I Wish I Had: I wish for more wishes. And teleportation
Superhero Wife: Diana Prince. Or Big Barda. Or Mad Harriet. Or the girl who just did the White House Correspondents Dinner (#notallheroeswearcapes)
Favorite Movie: A Bronx Tale
Favorite Cartoon: Thundercats, OG Scooby Doo, Regular Show, The Oblongs, Big Mouth, G1 Transformers, Futurama
Favorite Comic/GN/Book: The Killing Joke, The Alchemist
Favorite Show: Chappelle Show, Breaking Bad, Golden Girls, Three’s Company, Parks & Recreation, Black Mirror. Currently – Westworld.
Specialties: Hip Hop Purest, Rare Vinyl Enthusiast, Transformers Nerd

Eden, NC
Nationality: Pasty Anglo and or Saxon
Superpower: Ability to ignore nearly anything
Superpower I Wish I Had: Kilgrave mind powers (not to rob or rape, but to make old racist mow Black families yards and shit)
Superhero Wife: Barda (Gorgeous warrior to keep me safe while I do my magic act)
Favorite Movie: The Big Lebowski
Favorite Cartoon: Now: Rick & Morty Past: DBZ
Favorite Comic/GN/Book: Spiderman: Kraven’s Last Hunt
Specialties: Comics and Collectables (I’m the guy looking through every comic box at the flea market)

Jordan A.K.A Knivessss

Niceville, FL
Nationality: Halfsies
Superpower: Speaking my mind 24-7 365
Superpower I Wish I Had: Ability to Slam Dunk a Basketball on a Regulation Hoop
Superhero Wife: Mystique
Favorite Movie: Blade (I bring it up almost every podcast), Hereditary, Pulp Fiction
Favorite Cartoon: Attack on Titan, Fullmetal Alchemist, Pokemon
Favorite Comic/GN/Book(s): Venom: Lethal Protector & Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe
Specialties: Video Games, Horror Movies, Sassy Pants, Lying, and Negative Responses to Positive Movies

Rhiona Sullivan A.K.A. Rhi Rhi

Goldsboro, NC
Nationality: Casper White lol
Superpower: Guessing Final Jeopardy based only on category
Superpower I Wish I Had: Ability to duplicate myself or teleportation
Superhero Wife: My wife in real life Lauren
Favorite Movie: Billy Madison, Forrest Gump, and all the MCU Films
Favorite Cartoon: Animaniacs, Rick & Morty, The Simpson's, King of the Hill
Favorite Comic/GN/Book(s): Matt Fraction's Hawkeye, Ready Player One
Specialties: Comics, Movies, Video Games, Non-Hip Hop Music, Useless Trivia